Heads of Programs |
Task Force Coordinator: Prof. Alen Soldo
Dpt. Marine Studies, Univ. Split, Croatia
Alen Soldo pursues various subjects of interest in marine fisheries, biodiversity management, marine biology and ecology and underwater research techniques. Particularly focused on shark conservation, he has authored a number of scientific papers and co-authored the book on the Adriatic sharks. Also co-Chair of the IUCN Shark Specialist Group for the Mediterranean, scientific Advisor for several NGOs and Scientific Communication Committee Director for CMAS. |
Supported by: |
For eastern Mediterranean: Dr Nuri Başusta
Faculty of Fisheries, Firat University, Turkey |
Coordinator, NE Mediterranean: Anastasia Miliou
Head scientist, Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation, Samos Isl., Greece |
Anastasia Miliou, a marine biologist, leads scientific research at the Archipelagos Institute since 2000. Her main interests cover marine mammal research and management, fisheries research and co-management, conservation of marine protected habitats, with a focus on the Aegean Sea and linking marine research with local communities and various stakeholder groups. Coordinates the recent Eco-Navigation project for the gathering of data from cargo and tanker vessels on marine mammal sightings, pollution events, physico-chemical parameters, IUU fisheries, etc.
SST data Coordinator (Project TransMED): Dr Isabelle Taupier-Letage
Institut Mediterraneen d’Oceanologie,
CNRS, Antenne de Toulon, France
Isabelle Taupier-Letage started her career as a biologist and became increasingly involved in studying the general circulation of the Mediterranean and the associated mesoscale dynamics in relation to biological phenomena. She has a long experience working at sea, analysing both in situ data and satellite observations.
Task Force Coordinator: Dr Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara
Tethys Research Institute,
Milano, Italy
Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara, marine biologist, with over 25 years of research on the ecology and conservation of large marine vertebrates.
Currently involved in Mediterranean marine protected areas science and management and in the protection of threatened marine species (as chair of the Scientific Committee of the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area, and coordinator of the Mediterranean Group of IUCN's World Commission on Protected Areas).
- Download report "Cetacean distribution: data collection and use" - (pdf file 114 Kb);
Download Executive Summary of CIESM Workshop Monographs n°25 - (pdf file 1Mb):
'Studying cetaceans in the marine ecosystems'.
Coordinator: Prof. Bella Galil
Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Bella Galil, numerous research campaigns and papers on dynamics/ conservation of marine biodiversity, macrobenthic and fish ecology in coastal and deep waters, and on invasive species. Lead author of CIESM Atlas on Exotic Crustaceans.